Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Accountability - Projects in 2018

Towards a Stronger Civil Society in protecting the rights of women migrant workers and trafficked persons; Fostering Participatory Learning and Monitoring State Accountability


Duration: May - December 2018

Location: Latin America, Global 

Beneficiaries: Trafficked persons, NGOs service providers, government agencies 

What is this project about?

This project has two components: 1) Participatory learning and 2) Accountability, with a strong focus on LAC. 

The key objective of the Participatory Learning component is: Members base their action on a clearer understanding on the issues of feminism, mobility, human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery and the interlinkages among them. 

The key objectives of the Accountability component are: 1. Local voices and concerns regarding rights of trafficked persons and women workers, including women migrant workers, reach the national and international agenda and 2.GAATW’S advocacy work gains better visibility.

What are we going to do? 

Within the participatory learning component, we will facilitate the translation of materials on migration, human trafficking, globalisation, sex work and others from English to Spanish in order to make English-language knowledge accessible to Spanish-speaking NGOs, academics and other audiences. We will also organise a learning workshop with GAATW members and other civil society organisations from Latin America to discuss issues of feminism, mobility, human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery and the interlinkages among them. 

Within the accountability component, we will continue supporting the partner to monitor their governments' implementation of commitments to combat trafficking and assist victims. We'll review the methodology we used in 2016 and 2017 in order to update it and will strategise for collective advocacy on the regional and global levels. 

Project partners: CHS-Peru, Espacios de Mujeres - Colombia, ECPAT Guatemala.

Funding Support: Bread for the World

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