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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Moscow Center for Gender Studies (MCGS)

MCGSThe Moscow Center for Gender Studies (MCGS) was established by women-scholars as independent non-profit Research Institute in 1990.

The Mission of the MCGS is to prevent all types of discrimination against women; to promote gender equality and justice in politics, the work place, society and the family; to integrate gender theory and methodology into research in Russia; to advance gender education and information; to integrate gender equality and gender justice into legislation and decision-making processes on regional and national levels; to involve Russian Federation state bodies in amending legislation on gender equality; and to strengthen academic and cultural contacts between Russia, the NIS countries and gender research centres worldwide.

MCGS develops contacts with Russian researchers and teachers in gender/women's issues, holds seminars and conferences.

Contact Details
Institute for Social and Economic Studies of the Population (RAS), Nakhimovsky Pr. 32, Moscow, 117218
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