Welcome to “Meet Our Members”, an initiative launched in 2022 to spotlight the incredible work of GAATW member organisations around the world. Through interviews, we dive into the history, programmes, groups, and key issues that shape their work. Our goal is to foster deeper connections among members and the broader GAATW community, creating opportunities to learn from one another and collaborate across borders. Explore the inspiring stories of our featured members and discover how they are making an impact in the fight against trafficking and for the rights of women around the world.

‘’When we talk about the root causes of discrimination and violence, at the core is unequal distribution of power due to gender, class and caste’’
Women Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) is a member of GAATW based in Lalitpur, Nepal. Vivian Cartagena from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with Sunita Mainali, Executive Directo, in July 2024, to better understand the organisation’s history, current work, and context.

''Networking is our biggest and strongest strategy in our experience working with sex workers and women's organisations''
Leer entrevista en español aquí.
Fundación Quimera is a non-profit organization working to promote human and labor rights of Sex Workers in southern Ecuador, focused in migrants and national women. Vivian Cartagena, from the GAATW International Secretariat interviewed Rosa Manzo, Founder and President of Fundacion Quimera, in July 2024 to better understand the organisation's work, history, and context. The original interview was in Spanish and translated into English.

''Victims of human trafficking are not seen as persons deserving of help or empathy''.
La Strada Poland is a member of GAATW in Warsaw, Poland. In May 2024, Vivian Cartagena from the GAATW secretariat conducted this interview with Joanna Garnier, member of La Strada, to learn more about the work of the organisation, the contexts in which it operates, and the communities it supports.

''The voice is louder when we unite, and when we unite, we are stronger and can fight together.''
Women Forum for Women in Nepal (WOFOWON) is a GAATW member in Kathmandu, Nepal. Vivian Cartagena from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with the organisation’s Project Coordinator, Sarita Thapa, in June 2024 to better understand their work, history and context.

''The more we empower women on their rights, the more they are able to claim them''

The situation of migrant workers is terrible, it is like in the time of slavery.
Leer entrevista en español aquí.
SINTRASEDOM is a civil society organisation based in Bogota, Colombia. Vivian from the GAATW International Secretariat interviewed Yenny Hurtado, Founder and President of SINTRASEDOM, in November 2023 to better understand the organisation's work, history, and context. The original interview was in Spanish and translated into English.

"It takes quite a lot of time and effort to achieve labour rights for digital platform workers"
Just Economy and Labor Institute (JELI) is a non-profit organization working to promote social justice and ensure the protection of labor rights in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Thailand. Michelle Soe, Programme Officer Communications and Kelly Van der Heide, intern from GAATW, had a interview with Aranya Pakaphat, Program Coordinator at JELI Foundation

“As an organisation we feel it’s our responsibility to figure out how we can better serve people with lived experience ’’
Freedom Network is a new GAATW member in the United States, but an old friend of ours. Vivian Cartagena from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with the organisation’s Senior Policy Specialist, Emma Ecker, in October 2023 to better understand their work, history and context.