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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News



LEFÖ – Information, Education and Support for Migrant Women is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 1985 by a group of politically exiled Latin American women living in Vienna. LEFึÖ is committed to advocate and lobby for the rights of migrant women and aims at enhancing their integration by empowering them to get out of relationsips characterised by violence, addiction and exploitation. Their work is in the following areas: lobbying, advocacy, networking, public relations, health, counselling, and education for migrant women from Latin America.

LEFÖ IBF (Intervention Centre for Trafficked Women) was founded in 1998 and is part of LEFÖ specialised to support trafficked women and girls. It offers direct assistance to women affected by trafficking (including legal, social, and psychological counselling and advice, as well as support in the process of recovering their rights, temporary shelter and support in cases of women returning to their home countries).

Learn more about LEFÖ in our Featured Members of the Fortnight interview in English or Spanish

Contact Details:
Address: Kettenbrückengasse 15/11/4, A-1050 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 581 1881
Fax: +43 1.581 1881- 14

Address: Lederergasse 35/12-15, 1080, Vienna, Austria 
Tel: +43 1 796 9298
Fax: +43.1 796 9298- 21
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.