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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

La Strada Netherlands

Co-ordination Centre Human Trafficking (CoMensha) - LA STRADA NETHERLANDS

ComenshaHV2013The Dutch Foundation against Trafficking in Women (STV) was established in 1987. In 2007 it changed its name to Co-ordination Centre Human Trafficking (CoMensha), to better reflect its work with female as well as male victims of exploitative working conditions. CoMensha functions as a national reporting and registration point for trafficked persons (the organisation reports to the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings, who uses this data for annual reports and recommendations to the Dutch Council of Ministers).

In the area of direct assistance, CoMensha maintains regional networks established to support the shelter and (social) support for trafficked persons. The network consists of shelters, lawyers, social workers and welfare groups, (mental) health organisations, police, youth care, (refugee) support groups, victim support and local governmental community organisations. CoMensha also co-ordinates reintegration and return programmes for trafficked persons with different organisations. The organisation is very active in the areas of awareness raising and provision of information on human trafficking through its participation in seminars and conferences. CoMensha supports policy development in the field of prostitution and trafficking in human beings by offering advice to the government - on request and by its own initiative - on the basis of the information collected, the signals, problems and shortcomings and based on experiences gained through monitoring national and international developments in practice.

Contact Details:
Address: Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818LH Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 33 4481186
Fax: +31 33 461 80 64
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


fairwork-logoFairWork (Formerly BLinN) works to raise awareness against modern-day slavery and its prevalence in The Netherlands. The group started 13-years ago and has been working on issues of human trafficking and exploitation in the Netherlands. Since last year FairWork has focused its work on issues of trafficking outside the sex industry. The organisation also carries out awareness raising activities for the Dutch public. Case studies are used to conduct capacity building training for law enforcement agencies and other organisations in the Netherlands.



Contact Details:
Postal address: P.O. Box 15539, 1001 NA Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 7600809
Fax: +31 20 5219099
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

International Women's Rights Center - La Strada- Ukraine

La Strada UkraineSince 1997, the International Women's Rights Center “La Strada - Ukraine” has been working on the prevention of trafficking in persons, especially women and children, as well as the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence in society and observing human rights, gender equality and children rights protection. La Strada Ukraine was the first organisation in Ukraine to work on human trafficking.

The main focuses’ of La Strada Ukraine are:
Information Campaigns: including co-operation with mass media; creation and dissemination of social advertisements such as video and audio spots, preparation and dissemination of information; 

Lobby and Advocacy: monitoring implementation of the state programmes on human trafficking, and the law on domestic violence and child rights protection; preparing recommendations and submitting measures and regulations on relevant topics.

Prevention and Education: conducting educational activities among youth, trainings, seminars, roundtables, and conference for specialists; preparing, publishing and disseminating information, educational and methodological materials and guidelines.

Hot Line: running two National Toll-Free Hotlines on prevention of trafficking and domestic violence nd children rights protection. Providing consultation and reliable information on the opportunities for work and study abroad, marriages with foreigners, consulting on violence issues and children rights protection, running and updating a database for consulting on the problem of trafficking in persons.

Social Assistance: organising social assistance for trafficked persons and victims of domestic violence including medical, psychological and legal support, short-term shelter, referrals, assistance in searching for missing Ukrainian citizens abroad and assisting those returning to Ukraine; co-operation with partner institutions in Ukraine and abroad.

Contact Details:
Address: P.O. Box 26 03113 Kyiv, Ukraine 
Tel: +380 44 205 3694
Fax: +380 44 205 3736
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Himalayan Human Rights Monitors (HimRights)

HimRightsHimalayan Human Rights Monitor (HimRights) is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organisation committed to defending the rights of the poor, marginalisesd and socially excluded communities and individuals, with a special focus on women, children and youth. HimRights works in affiliation with human rights institutions based in Nepal and abroad, pursuing a threefold approach of (1) promoting good governance and (2) advocating and training for policy change, rights based approach, influence, awareness raising and capacity building to cope with and respond to changing human rights dynamics, and (3) monitoring, reporting and responding to human rights violations in Nepal. 

Contact Details:
Address: Inar, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel: +977-01-5555111
Fax: +977-015554880
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



hinredINTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (INHURED INTERNATIONAL) is Nepal's first international human rights organisation with Special Consultative Status to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. It is registered under the Nepali Association and Organisation Registration Act. Its history goes back to the dark era of absolute monarchy under the Panchayati dictatorship and the restoration of multi-party system in 1990.

Contact Details
Address: INHURED International P.O. Box 2125
New Plaza, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel/Fax: +977-1-429741
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.