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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Association for Human Rights and Women's Rights in Development (AWARD)

AWARDThe Association of Human Rights and Women's Rights in Development (AWARD) promotes the establishment of grassroots women’s groups and ensures that women have understanding and knowledge of the socio-economic and political challenges. The group provides skills development and raises awareness on gender equality.

Contact Details:
Address: 770 Soi Ladpraow 101, Ladpraow Road, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240
Tel: +66 081-626-6216; +66 082-463-7330
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

FIDA Kenya

FIDA-logoFIDA Kenya is a registered non-government organisation committed to creating a society that is free of all forms of injustices and discrimination against women. FIDA realises that women play an active and significant part in the development of our society, and form the majority of Kenya’s population and yet they face major obstacles that prevent them from full enjoyment of their rights and privileges. FIDA Kenya’s membership is composed of women lawyers and women Law students.

The following are FIDA Kenya’s objectives:

1) To improve the legal status of women in Kenya;

2) To increase access to justice by women in Kenya; and

3) To enhance public awareness on women's rights issues.

It meets these objectives by offering quality legal services to women, undertaking transformative public interest litigation, increasing women’s awareness of their legal rights, researching and reporting on women’s rights violations and lobbying for the introduction and implementation of better laws and policies.

FIDA Kenya hosts the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Network, which is made up of civil society organisations, government departments and some donor agencies that sit in as observers. The network seeks to devise ways of eliminating trafficking in persons and especially trafficking in women and children.


Contact Details:
Address: P.O. Box 46324-00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 2604044
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI)

GPI 2Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) is a Nigerian NGO that is non-religious and non-sectarian. GPI has obtained UN ECOSOC Status and in 2007 was conferred with an International Award for Excellence.

GPI seeks to empower girls, especially those between the ages of 10-18 years, and to promote their sexual reproductive health, rights and responsibilities, through educational programmes, counselling, referral services and social action. GPI is co-ordinated from two regional centres in Southern Nigeria: Benin-city in Edo State and in Cross River State. The national secretariat/headquarters of GPI is housed in the South East Center, Calabar. GPI has also expanded its activities to Akwa Ibom and Delta States. GPI is active in a number of local and national coalitions on human trafficking and works closely with other NGOs on this issue. The main focus of GPI’s work on trafficking has been prevention, through the empowerment and education of young women and girls, about the differences between migration and trafficking. GPI has undertaken research to document what makes girls most susceptible to trafficking and has published two books based on their findings. GPI have developed programs and campaign messages to support girls to say NO to human trafficking. This has included reviewing Junior Secondary School curriculums to include modules on sexuality education, migration and trafficking and lobbying for better sexuality education in schools. This has consequently created a high level of awareness among young urban women about trafficking. GPI also offers support and skills trainings for women who have returned from trafficking situations.


Contact Details:
Address: 67 New Road, Off Amadasun St, Upper Ekewan Road, Ugbighoko, P.O. Box 7400, Benin City, Nigeria
Tel: +234 8073042499
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Becoming a GAATW Member

New members are always welcome in the Alliance. If you are a non-governmental organisation committed to promoting a human rights based approach to trafficking and/or other related issues such as migration, labour rights, or women's rights, GAATW's membership is open for you.

Adherence to GAATW's Basic Principles is the first criteria for the membership. However, apart from the information which the organisation provides and the advice we receive from our members and friends in the same country or region, GAATW-IS does not have any other mean to verify the position/politics of the organisation. Moreover, many member organisations work on issues that go well beyond the Secretariat's area of expertise. As such, the statement from a member does not automatically carry endorsement of the Secretariat. However, any advocacy statement released by GAATW through the IS undergoes a process of consultation with members and allies.



  • Membership is open only to organisations.
  • Member organisations must be working explicitly on human trafficking and/or related areas of migration, migrant labour, women's rights or sex workers' rights in at least one of the following areas: policy and advocacy, research, direct assistance, prevention.
  • Member organisations must be non-governmental.
  • Member organisations must adhere to GAATW's Basic Principles 
  • Member organisations must send the annual report of their work to the International Secretariat, to be made available to the whole Alliance.
  • Members who are working in the same country or region may choose to produce a joint report of the anti-trafficking work in their country/region.
  • Members, especially those who are working on other issues and are part of other human rights movements, are expected to make an effort to integrate trafficking issues into other movements and share this with other members.



A membership revamp is undertaken every three years. The main purpose of the revamp is to ensure that the organisation is still working on the relevant issues, wants to continue with the membership and the IS has correct contact details of the organisation.



  • Membership applications will be handled and reviewed by the International Secretariat. Reference letters from existing members in the region or country may be requested as reference of the applicant's engagement/work in the region or country.
  • After four weeks the organisation will be informed about the status of their application via email
  • Acceptance of new members in the Alliance would be mentioned in the quarterly e-bulletin and a short organisational profile would be uploaded on the GAATW website.



Member organisations are expected to:

  • Share news of their activities with the whole Alliance, directly or through the International Secretariat.
  • Share knowledge, experiences and successful methodologies with other members.
  • Contribute to the implementation of GAATW's common strategic plan by participating in projects on specific themes.



Member organisations can:

  • Participate in GAATW's triennial International Members meeting.
  • Nominate candidates for the International Board.
  • Receive GAATW's regular publications free of charge (a postage fee may be charged.).
  • Be apprised of GAATW's functions and activities and receive preferential access to participate.
  • Access GAATW resources including, research and campaign tools.
  • Receive technical support on issues on the international level and conceptual clarity.



  • Termination of membership can be initiated at any time. If a member decides to terminate, a written notification must be sent to the GAATW-IS.

Termination can also be initiated by the International Secretariat/Board Members for the following reasons:

  • The use of the GAATW's name in the endorsement, support or defence of any position, document, material or work product not officially sanctioned by GAATW.
  • Representation by Member Organisation that its affiliation with GAATW makes it eligible for any funding support without prior consent by GAATW.
  • Any action, public commentary or published statement attributed to GAATW that is contradictory to the mission, objectives and policies of GAATW (listed on our website).

Procedure to be followed for termination of membership initiated by the IS/Board Members:

  • Prior notice to the Member Organisation of GAATW's intent to terminate membership and to bring the matter to the attention of the IS/GAATW Board.
  • Written notification from the IS of the grounds for termination.
  • Opportunity for the Member to respond prior to the matter being brought before the Board.
  • Opportunity for member to appear before the GAATW Board to discuss their prospective termination from GAATW's membership.
  • The Board makes the final determination on termination of membership and its decision cannot be appealed to any other body or entity.
  • Decision is communicated to the organisation.


If you would like to become member of GAATW, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.