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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Promoting the livelihood of persons with disabilities and of women in the Ganjam district: A journey towards sustainability


AAINA is a civil society organisation based in Odisha, India that promotes the rights of children, women and people with disabilities through community intervention and policy advocacy. Vivian from the GAATW International Secretariat interviewed Dillip Biswal, Director of Programs of AAINA, to better understand the organisation's work, history, and context of their current work. 

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It has been 26 years of struggle to include the issue of human trafficking in the human rights agendas and to build a culture of support for the survivors of this crime


Leer la entrevista en español aquí.

ASBRAD is a civil society organisation based in Brazil, a member of GAATW for 18 years. Vivian from the GAATW International Secretariat interviewed Dalila Figueiredo, Founder and President of ASBRAD, in April 2023 to better understand the organisation's work, history, and context. The original interview was in Spanish and translated into English.

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Biswas Nepal


Biswas Nepal is a women-led organisation established in 2008. It has been working in the entertainment sector with an aim to make it decent and prestigious with secured rights and respect to the workers. Biswas Nepal has been engaged in various advocacy activities to develop laws and policies to address the issues of entertainment sector workers. It has been continuously organising interaction and orientation not only at Province level but also at Ministry level. By affiliating and holding vital position at different networks, it is continuously advocating for the rights of the entertainment sector workers and victims of internal trafficking. Additionally, Biswas Nepal holds a position in the board of Alliance against Trafficking in Women & Children in Nepal (AATWIN), with which it lobbies the government to prioritise the issues of this sector. 

 Contact details:

Address: Kathmandú New road-22, Nepal
Tel: +977015713928
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

ECPAT Guatemala: 20 years of work for a childhood free of violence and sexual exploitation


Leer la entrevista en español aquí

ECPAT Guatemala is a GAATW member in Guatemala. Jennifer Janssen from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with the organisation’s director, Maria Eugenia Villarreal, in November 2022 to better understand their work, history and context. The interview was in Spanish and translated into English by Vivian Cartagena. 

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