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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Meet Our Members: Legal Resource Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC-KJHAM)

Meet Our Memebers

Legal Resources Center- Untuk Keadilan Jender Dan Hak Asasi Manusia (LRC-KJHAM) is a GAATW member in the city of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Sumati Panikkar and Borislav Gerasimov from the GAATW-IS conducted this interview with Nur Laila Hafidhoh, Director, in October 2022 to better understand the organisation’s history, approach, and current programmes.

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Mission d'intervention et de sensibilisation contre la traite des êtres humains (Mist)

logo mistMist is a community-based organisation created by a group of survivors of human trafficking who have organised themselves to combat human trafficking, promote the identification of other victims, and their protection and inclusion. This is done with the aim of allowing survivors to enhance their experience by helping other survivors, being active in the governance of the association and producing recommendations for a better access to rights and justice for victims. At least half of the board and staff are survivors. 

Mist addresses human trafficking through a participative approach to promote identification and assistance to adult and child victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It promotes empowerment and capacity building for survivors who want to be involved in policy-making or assistance programmes. Mist is a ressource center for victims and professionals.

Contact details: 
Address: 74 rue de Turenne 75003, Paris, France
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meet Our Members: Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program

MeetOurMemebers Safe Horizon EN

Lee la entrevista en español aquí

Safe Horizon’s Anti-Trafficking Program is a member of GAATW in New York City, USA. Charlotte Clar and Borislav Gerasimov from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with Anita Teekah, Senior Director of the Anti-Trafficking Program, in September 2022 to learn more about Safe Horizon’s history, context, and current work. 

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Meet Our Members: La Strada Moldova

MeetOurMemebers 1

Lee la entrevista en español aquí

La Strada Moldova is a member of GAATW based in Moldova. In August 2022, Jennifer Janssen from the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with Tatiana Fomina, Senior Analyst and legal counsellor at La Strada Moldova, to better understand the organisation’s history, current work, and context. 

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