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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Badabon Sangho

Badabon Badabon Sangho is a women’s rights and women-led organisation working in the areas of women’s rights to land, work, water-bodies, climate justice, natural resources and sexual and reproductive health. It has developed a number of tested tools and methods in order to support women migrant workers, especially their control over on resources and lands. The organisation provides capacity building support to groups and local women’s rights organisations challenging existing social, political and economic power systems that exclude, oppress and violate their human rights, and that have internal structures which reflect feminist principles.

Contact details: 
Address: Vill: Katamari, Post: Vakotmari, Upazila: Rampal, Bagerhat, Bangladesh
Tel: +88 01732 396585
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shramajivi Mahila Samity

sms logo

Shramajivi Mahila Samity was formed in 1995 to develop a balanced and just society which provides equal opportunity to men and women.The prime aim of the organisation is to enable tribal and other women to become self-dependent in the socio-economic spheres, motivating women groups to be part of the decision-making process and ensuring participation in natural resource management and sustainable development.

SMS takes a community participation approach to combat poverty through right to food and other entitlements and livelihood development. SMS works with underprivileged women, men and children of 12 districts in the state of Jharkhand, India so they can live with dignity and have access to all the legal and constitutional rights they are entitled to. SMS' programmes include strengthening local self-governance for established good governance of marginalised community and reducing the gender gaps in society. SMS provides training and capacity building, and support to link people with the flagship government programmes both in-rural and urban marginalised men, women and children.

SMS has assisted about 2 lakhs people, including single women-headed households and different stakeholders, to become aware of different government support programmes. It has submitted more than 53,000 applications for government schemes like MNREGA job card, job claims, pension schemes, Indira/PM Awas Social security etc. out of which 32,462 applications have been sanctioned and 2,065 single women received labour cards. 16,000 families have enrolled under RSBY (health insurance) scheme.

Contact Details: 
Address: Holding no – 06, 2 Floor, Gunomoy Colony, Mango, Jamshedpur – 831012, Jharkhand, India
Tel: +91 9431304140
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago

ccottCEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago (CCoTT) is a volunteer non-governmental organisation focused on advocacy and public awareness and education on and for the Convention for the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The organisation strives to cultivate a vibrant community that will support, strengthen and guide the development of frameworks as a critical cog in the advocacy wheel while promoting the essential tenets of the Convention, and engaging with communities in a manner that adds significant value into effective, sustainable development.


Contact Details: 
Address: 32A Scott Bushe Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: +868 225 7734
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


LiberaLibera Foundation against Trafficking in Persons and Slavery in All Its Forms is a non-profit that works to prevent and combat human trafficking and slavery in all its forms,  by promoting freedom, dignity and the notion of commutative justice in Chile and Latin America. To this end, it promotes the implementation of the OECD's due diligence policies,United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.It implements activities in the areas of dissemination of knowledge, training, research, assistance and legal representation of victims, networking and actions to promote the autonomy and participation of vulnerable people and communities.


Contact Details:
Address: General Adolfo Holley 133, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 973990192
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PION – Prostituertes interesseorganisasjon I Norge

PION logo iiProstitutes' Interest Organisation in Norway (PION) is a human rights organisation, contact place and political mouthpiece for women, men and transgender people who sell sexual services in Norway. Its main objective is to ensure the health and enhance the rights of sex workers. It  advocates for the decriminalisation of sex work and for alternatives to the criminal justice system. It works for reducing the harmful consequences resulting from criminalisation, stigma and marginalisation. PION's activities are based on peer work and peer involvement. It offers low threshold health services, information, legal advice and help to all sex workers regardless of their residential status in Norway concerning sex work and other related areas such as contract law, debt, tax, housing, social security, and family law. It cooperates with other sex worker organisations and networks in the Nordic region and beyond.

Learn more about PION in our Featured Members of the Fortnight interview in English

Contact Details:
Address: Torggata 10, 0181 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 900 63 558
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.