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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

Women's Initiatives (WINS)

WINSWomen's Initiatives (WINS) works on gender equality and diverse sexuality issues and enables poor and marginalised social groups, such as sex workers, HIV positive women, single women and migrant women, to articulate the issues of gender discrimination in a rights based structure. WINS creates an enabling environment where communities can live a life with dignity, access resources and build capacities and competencies to deal with challenges, their own productive resources and rightful access to government support and services.

WINS supports women in the struggle for justice and human rights and against those who would deny access to services or rights because of their livelihood.

WINS believes that sex workers are capable of making decisions and encourages them to hold influential positions that matter to the community. WINS extends skill enhancement so that they can use the opportunities available to them and thereby help them move up the social ladder. WINS insists on sex worker leadership at every level of decision making on policies around sex work.

Contact Details:
Address: 6-8-938, NGO’s Colony Tirupati 517507 Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel: +91 984-9204-711
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


European Sex Workers Rights Alliance

ESWA logoThe European Sex Workers Rightgs Alliance (ESWA; previously, International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe, ICRSE) is a sex worker-led network representing more than 100 organisations led by or working with sex workers in  35 countries in Europe and Central Asia. The core aim of ESWA is to ensure that the voices of sex workers in the region are heard, listened to and respected. We strive to raise awareness about the social exclusion of sex workers of all genders in Europe and Central Asia; to promote the human, health and labour rights of all sex workers at the community, national and regional level; and to build alliances with key partners, including sex workers and their organisations on a global level, and with NGOs, other civil society organisations and key stakeholders involved in policy- and decision-making processes in the Europe and Central Asia.

ESWA opposes all forms of criminalisation of sex work and firmly rejects the conflation of sex work with human trafficking. It raises awareness of the harmful impact of this conflation on sex workers’ lives and seek to put forward a labour rights’ perspective of sex work, whereby the labour, health and human rights of all sex workers are recognised, protected and fulfilled by national, regional and international laws, policies and programmes. ESWA supports sex workers’ right to self-determination and self-organisation. Sex workers can and do effect change; solidarity among ESWA members will ensure that the needs and voices of sex workers will be heard and addressed equally.

Learn more about ESWA in our Featured Members of the Fortnight interview in English or Spanish

Contact Details: 
Address: Eerste Helmersstraat 17 D, 1054 CX, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aaprabasi Mahita Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS)


Aaprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS) is an organisation for, by and of returnee women migrants with a focus to unite and establish a strong network among women migrants workers. AMKAS aims to support women migrant workers, looking at both intra- and inter-country migration to advocate for their rights, enhance their skills and provide a safe space for women migrant workers to discuss, share and learn from each other's life experiences. Many women in Nepal migrate internally as a stepping stone to their overseas migration. Therefore AMKAS feels strongly that more intensive work and interaction is needed with women in this first phase of migration, to improve their skills and capacity and understanding of their rights. This in turn will reduce the risks and vulnerability to trafficking for those women who plan to migrate abroad. 


Contact Details:
Address: Aprabasi Mahila Kamdaar Samuha Bansbari Road, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
Tel: +977 9841404337; +977 4373963
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Justice Centre Hong Kong

JCHKJustice Centre Hong Kong is a non-profit organisation that provides free legal, welfare and psychosocial support to refugees, torture survivors and others forcibly displaced. Through strategic and community initiatives, they work to ensure that displaced peoples have equitable access to high quality services and a voice in society.

Their mission is to make sure no one walks alone on the path to protection, justice and a decent life 

Contact Details:
Address: L1, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street, West Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Tel: +852 3109 7359
Fax: +852 3422 3019
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Human Trafficking Legal Center

human trafficking notagx135The Human Trafficking Legal Center (HT Legal Center) uses a rights-based approach to fight for justice for trafficking victims. HT Legal Center trains pro bono attorneys to represent trafficking victims in the United States. It makes referrals on case-by-case basis, providing mentoring and extensive technical assistance for complex civil, immigration and criminal cases. HT Legal Center attorneys monitor the developing case law, focusing on impact litigation in the federal courts. The Center also conducts research and maintains a comprehensive database on federal civil and criminal trafficking cases. 

Contact Details:
Address: 1030 15th St. NW, Suite 104B, Washington, DC 20005, United States of America 
Tel: +1 202 854 9851
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.