Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Meet Our Members: Srijan Foundation

Srijan EN

Srijan Foundation is a member of GAATW working in the state of Jharkhand, in eastern India. In November 2022, we interviewed Pooja Rajiv and Rajiv Sinha, two of the founders of the organisation, to know about the journey, work and approach of the organisation.

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Meet Our Members: Corporación Espacios de Mujer


Lee la entrevista en español aqui

Espacios de Mujer is a GAATW member based in Medellín, Colombia. Jennifer Janssen of the GAATW Secretariat conducted this interview with Betty Pedraza Lozano, founder and director of Espacios de Mujer, in December 2022 to better understand the organisation's work, history and context. The interview was in Spanish and was translated into English by Jennifer.

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Meet Our Members: Shramajivi Mahila Samity

Meet Our Members SMS

Shramajivi Mahila Samity is a member of GAATW in Jharkhand, a state in eastern India. It focusses on social and economic empowerment of rural and marginalised women. In November 2022, GAATW spoke with Purabi Paul and Ruby Parveen from SMS to learn about the organisation’s work and vision. The interview was conducted by Sumati Panikkar in Hindi and translated by her into English.

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