Global Allince Against Traffic in Women

GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking as intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women


The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) believes that the impact of anti-trafficking initiatives is best understood from the perspective of trafficked persons themselves. In 2013, 17 GAATW member organisations across Latin America, Europe, and Asia undertook a participatory research project to look at their own assistance work from the perspective of trafficked persons. GAATW members interviewed 121 women, men and girls who lived through trafficking to find out about their experience of assistance interventions and their recovery process after trafficking. The project aimed to make the assistance programmes more responsive to the needs of the clients and to initiate a process of accountability on the part of all anti-trafficking organisations and institutions.

These briefing papers highlight the main findings of what people who have been trafficked say about 3 important themes:

  • Unmet Needs: Emotional support and care after trafficking [English, Spanish]
  • Rebuilding Lives: The need for sustainable livelihoods after trafficking [English, Spanish]
  • Seeking Feedback from Trafficked Persons on Assistance Services: Principles and ethics [English, Spanish]

With translation support from Translators without Borders.

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