Global Allince Against Traffic in Women

GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking as intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

gaatw members map

Women Forum for Women in Nepal (WOFOWON) is the first non-governmental organisation in Nepal working to ensure the rights of women in the informal and entertainment sectors. Registered in 2008, WOFOWON has been working for ensuring human rights, freedom and dignity of women, young girls and girl children working in the informal sectors that are migrated from rural areas or trafficked internally due to various reasons. WOFOWON works against all kinds of discrimination, injustices, labour exploitation, physical and sexual harassments to women in informal and entertainment sector.

WOFOWON is not only an organisation but also a network and not only a structure but also a strength of women workers. Because the rights of women workers in the fields of informal and entertainment sectors has been violated due to the different reasons, to ensure their rights, WOFOWON has been launching various campaigns since its establishment. The main activities include awareness raising campaigns on safe migration, human trafficking, women health, and violence against women, capacity building and advocacy. WOFOWON is working to unite women workers and empower them collectively to raise voice for their rights through forming trade union and women’s groups.

Contact Details:
Address: Gongabu, Kathmandu Municipality- 29, Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal
Tel: +977 – 01-4981686
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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