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Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way....


Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Human Rights
at home, abroad and on the way...

Events and News

La Strada Macedonia

Open Gate – Women Lobby on Action against Violence and Trafficking in Women – La Strada Macedonia

La Strada MacedoniaThe La Strada programme in Macedonia is implemented by the NGO "Open Gate - Women Lobby and Action against Violence and Trafficking in Women", which has been registered as an independent NGO since September 2000. In 2006 Open Gate/La Strada Macedonia created BUDNOST, national network of 12 Anti-trafficking NGOs.

Open Gate/La Strada Macedonia runs Information and Lobby programmes (the organisation is a member of the Secretariat of the National Commission that monitors and analyses the situation of human trafficking and coordinates the activities of competent institutions); Prevention and Education programmes (with a special focus on children, women and the Roma community); and Social (Direct) Assistance programmes which provide long-term (6-12 months) care for victims of trafficking, including accommodation (Open Gate/La Strada Macedonia runs the only shelter in Macedonia for nationals), medical services, legal services, anonymous consultations and advice, vocational training, and study and employment support.

Contact Details:
Address: Sava Kovachevik 1а, 1000-Skopje, Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 2700 107
Fax: +389 2 2700 367
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

La Strada Moldova

International Center for WomeLa StradaMoldova 3 2n Rights Protection and Promotion “La Strada Moldova”

The International Centre for Women Rights Protection and Promotion "La Strada Moldova" was founded and registered as non-governmental organisation in 2001.

La Strada Moldova strives to build a society based on the principle of respect for human rights, sense to the issue of trafficking in persons and all forms of abuse against children and women. It is active in direct assistance, prevention activities and lobbying activities: Assistance activities include victim identification, facilitated rescue and repatriation, emergency psycho-social assistance, facilitated rehabilitation and reintegration; mediation service for vulnerable witnesses during legal proceedings and court hearing; these services are organised within the Drop-in-Centre for trafficked persons which also runs an SOS-Line and capacity building programmes for practitioners on addressing cases of human trafficking and assisting trafficked persons. Prevention and education activities include awareness, information and training. These activities are organised by the Resource Centre for migrants that runs peer-to-peer educational program, Toll Free Hot-Line and special library and capacity building programs for practitioners on trafficking prevention. Lobbying activities include technical support and legal expertise to policy makers in developing and implementing anti-trafficking framework and strategies; research and analyses on human trafficking and associated issues; consultancy, legal and analytical support to various international anti-trafficking programs.

One of La Strada Moldova’s focuses is widening victims’ access to assistance and protection, irrespective of whether they are willing to cooperate with the police.

Contact Details:
Address: P.O. Box 259, Chisinau, Moldova 2012
Tel: +373 22 23 49 06
Fax: +373 22 23 49 07
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

La Strada Poland

La Strada Foundation Against Trafficking in Persons and Slavery

LS PolandLa Strada Poland was one of the founding members of the La Strada network in 1995. The Foundation was created in February and registered in September 1996.

In the past twenty years, La Strada Poland has become an (inter)nationally acknowledged specialised and professional expert and advisory centre on the issue of trafficking in persons. In the area of Information and Lobby, La Strada Poland participates in the working group that implements and monitors the "National action programme to combat and prevent trafficking in persons in Poland". It is also involved in a research on changes and consequences of the EU accession for Poland and monitoring the impact of EU accession and the changing role of Poland both as a country of origin and a country of destination for human trafficking. In the area of Prevention and Education, La Strada Poland provides information focused on legal job opportunities abroad (EU countries) and on safe migration for work. In terms of direct assistance, the organisation runs a crisis intervention centre that has become an integral part of the social assistance process. It includes a shelter for trafficked (both nationals and migrant) women as well as a hotline and legal, medical, psychological and social assistance.

Contact Details:
Address: P.O. Box 5, 00-956 Warsaw 10
Tel/Fax: +48 22 622 1985
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Moscow Center for Gender Studies (MCGS)

MCGSThe Moscow Center for Gender Studies (MCGS) was established by women-scholars as independent non-profit Research Institute in 1990.

The Mission of the MCGS is to prevent all types of discrimination against women; to promote gender equality and justice in politics, the work place, society and the family; to integrate gender theory and methodology into research in Russia; to advance gender education and information; to integrate gender equality and gender justice into legislation and decision-making processes on regional and national levels; to involve Russian Federation state bodies in amending legislation on gender equality; and to strengthen academic and cultural contacts between Russia, the NIS countries and gender research centres worldwide.

MCGS develops contacts with Russian researchers and teachers in gender/women's issues, holds seminars and conferences.

Contact Details
Institute for Social and Economic Studies of the Population (RAS), Nakhimovsky Pr. 32, Moscow, 117218
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FIZ - Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration

FIZ logoFIZ - Advocacy and support for migrant women and victims of trafficking is an independent, non-governmental organisation based in Zurich (Switzerland) that offers direct support for victims of trafficking, as well as political and educational work. FIZ specialises in questions relating to trafficking in women, as well as other forms of exploitation of and violence against migrant women from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

FIZ is very active in the area of direct assistance. In 2004 FIZ opened 'Makasi' (which means Strong in Lingala, a language in Central Africa). FIZ-Makasi is the only centre in Switzerland specialised in offering counselling to trafficked women, including legal protection, temporary stay permits, medical and psychosocial services, housing, and financial support. FIZ also supports trafficked women in the event of returning to their home country and works in the areas of research, advocacy and lobbying.

Learn more about FIZ in our Featured Members of the Fortnight interview in English or Spanish

Contact Details:
Address: Hohlstrasse 511, 8048 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 436 90 00
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  